March 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of the ACSSO Newsletter, your go-to guide for the latest developments and discussions shaping education in Australia. We aim to provide a platform for dialogue and sharing insights and experiences that resonate with educators, students, and parents alike. Let's come together to explore the challenges and opportunities that education presents today and work towards building a more dynamic and inclusive future for all.
Do you have experience working with or parenting a child with anxiety? We need your help to support primary school students experiencing anxiety. Catherine Johnson, a PhD candidate at UniMelb, is conducting an online Delphi expert consensus study to develop safe, effective, and feasible strategies for teachers working with these students. By participating in this study, you can contribute to creating better awareness for Australian teachers.
Have you harnessed the power of technology to connect your students with peers in other schools? Participate in a quick online survey regarding student online/virtual exchange programs (where students connect with peers from other schools online) and share your experiences, whether you're a virtual exchange veteran or new to the concept. Your valuable input will help us understand virtual exchange.
The Productivity Commission’s first review of progress on the National Agreement on Closing the Gap was handed to the Joint Council on Closing the Gap on 24 January 2024 and then publicly released.
The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) has created professional experience guidelines in response to the National Teacher Workforce Action Plan (NTWAP) that Education Ministers have agreed upon. As part of the Australian Government's workforce challenges, the NTWAP, which consists of 27 actions across five priority areas, was released in December 2022. AITSL was given the task of leading the development of national guidelines for high-quality practical experience. Currently, AITSL is seeking feedback on the draft guidelines.
This report sets out the Commission’s draft findings and recommendations to address the barriers that affect access to early childhood education and care (ECEC) services and support better outcomes for children and families.
Each year, national education non-profit Schools Plus with the support of some of Australia’s leading philanthropists chaired by David Gonski AC and in partnership with Commonwealth Bank, celebrates inspirational teachers who are making a transformative impact on children and school communities across Australia.
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. As students progress through their school years, it is important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy.
As the leading organisation advocating for children's interests in digital and screen media consumption in Australia, CMA aims to provide families with comprehensive resources, tools, and information to create a safe and engaging environment for their children.
The human brain is an intricate organ that processes information in a distinct way for everyone. This is because every person's brain has a unique structure and function, akin to their fingerprints. Therefore, the way one person comprehends, learns, or remembers information may differ significantly from another. Recognising these individual differences could aid in creating personalised learning tactics to enhance overall cognitive abilities.
Education Today - What's making News
What an artist! Rafi Mohammed from Smithfield PS has created an awesome painting of his Principal, Ms Harris - great young talent from our public schools.




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