Languages Consultation

June 2023

The Australian Curriculum: Languages is being reviewed to make sure it continues to meet the needs of students now and into the future – and we want to hear from you.

All feedback will be considered in finalising revisions, which will be provided to education ministers for their consideration and endorsement.

The proposed curriculum revisions are presented in Word documents and in 3 formats so you can read them easily and give feedback. When these curricula are endorsed, they will be provided on the new Version 9.0 Australian Curriculum website.

During the consultation, you can provide feedback through our survey, which will ask you to respond to statements about the proposed revisions. You can see a copy of the Classical Languages survey questions and the Chinese Background/First-language learner survey questions before you begin to give your feedback.

For further information on the survey, including how to save and return to it, refer to the survey information sheet.

The online survey includes open fields to allow you to provide general comments about what you think we have improved and what you think needs further improvement. You can also send comments or questions about the Australian Curriculum Review to





PO BOX 8221,
Werrington County,
NSW, Australia, 2747


0497 042 026 (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday)
0418 470 604 (Monday through to Friday)
